Services - Central Niagara Animal Hospital - Niagara Falls, ON

Central Niagara Animal Hospital

6544 Lundy's Lane
Niagara Falls, ON L2G 1T6


Our Services


 Dog sitting in grass

Vaccination & Wellness Exams


Preventive medicine stands as the cornerstone of pet wellness, ensuring their continued health and vitality. Regular, annual vaccinations and comprehensive examinations serve as the linchpin in establishing a strong rapport between your furry companion and our veterinary team. Vaccinations play a pivotal role in preempting potential illnesses, while thorough examinations enable the early detection of any underlying health concerns.

It's noteworthy to recognize that pets reach senior status around the age of 7-8 years old. At this stage, prioritizing annual examinations and implementing bloodwork become increasingly critical. These proactive measures are indispensable in maximizing your pet's longevity and overall well-being, providing them with the best chance at a fulfilling and healthy life.

Dental Cleaning

Dentistry (COHAT – Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment & Treatment)


Veterinary dental services encompass a broad range of specialized care tailored to ensure the oral health and hygiene of our furry companions. From routine dental check-ups and cleanings to advanced treatments such as tooth extractions and periodontal therapies, our veterinary dentistry team is dedicated to promoting healthy teeth and gums in pets. With specialized equipment and expertise, we strive to address dental issues promptly, preventing discomfort, decay, and potential systemic health complications. By prioritizing dental care, we aim to enhance pets' quality of life and contribute to their overall well-being. Common symptoms you can look out for at home include;

-Yellow/brown buildup (tartar) on the teeth -Red, swollen, or bleeding gums -Loose teeth  -Depression
-Changes in eating or chewing habits -Pawing at the face -Excessive drooling -Bad breath

Medical Services

When your pet requires medical care, you can trust in our expertise. Our experienced team and advanced facilities are prepared to address a diverse range of medical issues, including emergencies. With the ability to conduct numerous diagnostic procedures onsite, we can swiftly provide answers and commence treatment promptly. If necessary, your pet may require hospitalization and additional tests. Examples of our medical services include;

  • Dermatology

Skin problems are a common concern for both dogs and cats, stemming from various causes like hormonal imbalances, allergies, infections, or infestations by parasites like fleas and mites. Managing these issues promptly is crucial due to their often stubborn nature. While some skin conditions can be diagnosed through a simple physical examination, others may necessitate additional diagnostic procedures for accurate identification. Depending on your pet's symptoms and our examination findings, we may recommend blood work, urinalysis, skin scraping, or biopsies to pinpoint the underlying cause. If you observe excessive scratching or notice any signs such as hair loss, scabs, flaking skin, redness, swelling, or abnormal growths on your pet, please don't hesitate to contact us for further evaluation and treatment.


  • Tonometry

We believe sight is a beautiful gift! Therefore, It’s crucial for your pet’s vision that we detect and treat glaucoma and other problems with intraocular pressure (pressure within the eye) as quickly as possible. We can test your dog or cat’s eyes for excess pressure easily and safely. The test, performed with a device called a tonometer, is not painful and does not require sedation. If not treated immediately (within hours to days), glaucoma can cause permanent vision loss or even blindness. 

Common symptoms in either or both of your pet’s eyes:

- Dilated (enlarged) pupils - squinting or tearing - clouding of the cornea (the normally clear outer layer of the eye)
- Rubbing/pawing of the eyes - Red or bloodshot eyes - one eye protruding or appearing larger than the other   
 Dog with head tilted



Veterinary surgery encompasses a vital aspect of pet healthcare, providing advanced medical interventions to address a wide range of conditions and injuries. From routine spaying and neutering procedures to complex orthopedic surgeries and tumor removals, our veterinary surgical team is dedicated to ensuring the well-being and longevity of your beloved pets. With state-of-the-art facilities and skilled professionals, we prioritize safety, precision, and compassionate care throughout every surgical procedure. Whether it's elective surgery or a necessary intervention, we strive to optimize outcomes and support pets on their journey to recovery and optimal health.

We also partner with board certified surgeons to perform more complex surgical procedures.
On the day of surgery, our veterinarian and technician tailor a specific anesthesia and pain management plan. Your pet rests comfortably in warm fleece blankets and pillows before and after surgery. Our surgery suite features advanced monitoring equipment to track vital signs throughout the procedure, ensuring safety and efficiency. Pain control is administered throughout, ensuring your pet wakes up comfortable. Our dedicated team monitors your pet's recovery until discharge in the evening, prioritizing their well-being every step of the way.

Diagnostic Equipment




We're thrilled to unveil our latest addition: In-house Laboratory Machines! This cutting-edge technology empowers us to conduct the majority of blood tests on-site, eliminating the need for external lab processing. As a result, you can now expect same-day test results and diagnoses, enabling swift action and personalized care, particularly for critically ill patients. This advancement ensures expedited diagnoses and facilitates prompt treatment plans tailored to your pet's needs, setting them on the fast track to recovery.



Currently, we offer the convenience of onsite ultrasound services provided by specialist professionals. By bringing the expertise directly to our facility, we alleviate the need for you to travel outside the city, ensuring your pet remains in a familiar environment, minimizing stress.



Veterinary radiology is an essential diagnostic tool used to examine and visualize internal structures and conditions in animals. X-ray’s allow our team to accurately diagnose various health issues ranging from broken bones to organ abnormalities. By obtaining detailed images of the body's internal structures, we can effectively plan and monitor treatment strategies, ensuring optimal care for our patients.

Orange Cat with Bandana

Nutrition & Weight Management


We're committed to maximizing the longevity of your beloved pet, recognizing that nutrition plays a pivotal role from the outset. Understanding the frustration of deciphering pet food labels and ingredients, we're dedicated to providing assistance. Our range includes top-tier foods tailored to every life stage, ensuring optimal nutrition. Count on our approachable and well-informed staff to guide you through this complex decision-making process. Together, we'll discover the perfect, delicious, and nutritious meal that will become your furry family member's new favorite!

White Cat



A lost pet can be heartbreaking and can happen in a flash. Microchipping can help reunite a pet with its family. A small chip, about the size of a grain of rice, is inserted under the skin for permanent identification. This service is generally offered at the time of spaying or neutering, but can also be done in an appointment.

Cat and Dog Sleeping

Palliative Care and Compassionate Euthanasia


Sadly, our pets cannot live forever. As they age it is important to keep them comfortable and happy. Maybe it is just that they have started to slow down or have trouble getting up, but we can help them to be comfortable and to continue living their life for at least a few more years.

However, as they advance into a more serious stage they require more care from you and your veterinarian, and eventually euthanasia needs to be discussed. The staff at CNAH are here to help you through these times and when the time comes, to help you make a decision that you are comfortable with.

Here is a link to a questionnaire that can also help you evaluate your pet.


If you need help with pet loss...


Ontario Pet Loss Support Group
